John Paul: Changed By The Beatles In 1964

John Paul: Changed By The Beatles In 1964

John Paul has twice served the Hot Springs Village POA as the Interim GM. His current “term” ends February 1, 2022, when the new permanent General Manager, Mr. Kelly Hale assumes the role. John Paul can now once again join the ranks of the retired. But first, we talk about the past year, some HSV history, and how his life was forever changed in 1964 by the Beatles.

John Paul first arrived in Hot Springs Village to become the director of golf, a position he held for about 16 years. He’s got an extensive golf background, sporting goods retailing expertise, collegiate basketball officiating experience…and he plays the guitar. In a band. He claims the rocking chair has been ordered, but something tells us he’s not ready to sit still very long. The man is a high achiever!

John Paul has been a terrific friend of the show since we began. He first appeared on July 30, 2021, and again on December 3, 2021. Dennis and I are grateful for his generosity and support. He has introduced us to some great guests who include Linda Mayhood, Ernie Deaton, and Tom Clark, the golf course designer who will appear very soon on our show. We’re also thankful for his leadership in taking on the interim roles to serve Hot Springs Village. It’s obvious how much he loves the place. So do we. Thank you, JP for all you do.

Randy Cantrell

KVRE, media sponsor to HSV Inside Out

Thanks to KVRE, our media partner!

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