How To Get A Piece Of Hot Springs Village

How To Get A Piece Of Hot Springs Village

There are 3 basic ways to get “inside” Hot Springs Village:

  1. Buy an existing home or build your own
  2. Buy a lot (become a property owner)
  3. Lease membership in the Village

Jeff Atkins joins us today to discuss the options. Jeff owns and operates

Cooper Development wisely established the ability of people to enjoy the Village experience in a variety of ways. It was true in the beginning, and it’s still true today. If you’d like to enjoy Hot Springs Village there are plenty of options available to you.

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2 thoughts on “How To Get A Piece Of Hot Springs Village”

    1. Hi John thanks for asking.. in short absolutely positively I know there is a discussion about common Garden places right now but the bottom line is you don’t have to have any permit or permission to have a garden.. the problem you may have would be sunshine.. a lot of the property on either side or to the back of your property maybe common and there will certainly be plenty of trees Sheltering your garden. If you are a serious Gardener and you want to expand and protect your plot you may want a deer fence or such and that would require a permit from the POA just to notify them that you would like to put one up. Thanks and great question hope to see you soon

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