Our First Thanksgiving Together At Hot Springs Village Inside Out

Our First Thanksgiving Together At Hot Springs Village Inside Out

It started with this email from me to Dennis. A blind email from a guy he didn’t likely even remember!

March 6, 2021. 5:09 pm.

Hi, Dennis –

A few years ago my wife and I made our very first trip to Hot Springs Village, staying at your place on the lake thanks to Airbnb. I was pretty smitten right off the bat, then it just grew.

I live in DFW and have found it fascinating how many folks from here visit or retire to HSV. I understand it though. HSV is my go-to place whenever I have time to peel away.

Well, I’d like to have a brief Zoom video chat with you if you’re so inclined to discuss a hobby project I’d love to start – a podcast about who and what’s cool about HSV. I just love the place and guess all the social media negativity crap fueled my desire to tell engaging stories of the people in HSV (because I happen to know, via my Airbnb experiences there are some pretty incredible people living there).

I’d love to do something like this with somebody who lives there and given my first interaction with you as a customer, and given that I know you make radio appearances and some video, too – I thought you might be ideal.

I’m a full-time business guy who has podcasted for over 20 years. I’m not looking for somebody to do anything other than partner with me to co-host such an effort. I’m happy to do the technical heavy lifting, etc. I’m not looking for a big-time suck either. Maybe a couple of episodes each month and if it feels right to produce more, fine.

You open to jump on a Zoom call to talk and figure out if it’s even remotely interesting to you?


April 16, 2021. 4 pm. Our first Zoom call to talk about this new project that I had dubbed, Hot Springs Village Inside Out.

That’s right. It took over a month for Dennis and me to finally connect. Within minutes, literally, Dennis said, “Yes, I’m in.”

What followed were email exchanges with me sharing my vision of what I hoped to create – a podcast where Hot Springs Village is the star!

Here we are on November 23, 2021 – just a few days away from our first Thanksgiving together as podcast partners and friends. Together for less than 6 months. Immersed into each other’s lives more than even we could imagine. Two older guys having a good time focused on one place we love – Hot Springs Village – two guys filled with gratitude for the people who have made all the difference for us. As podcasters, mostly thankful for YOU – our audience – for welcoming us into your earbuds and eyeballs. For clicking PLAY when we release a new show. For being part of our Facebook group. For subscribing to our free email newsletter.

From our families to yours…

Lord willing, we’ll share Dennis’ most recent 2-week vacation with you on Black Friday (just 3 days from now). So stay tuned.

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