Jim & Aundrea Sparks: The Sale of The Home Plate

Jim & Aundrea Sparks: The Sale of The Home Plate

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On Friday, February 18, 2022, we did a live stream with Jim and Aundrea Sparks to our exclusive Facebook Group. The subject? The sale of THE HOME PLATE. Today we rebroadcast that live stream.

After a wildly successful 14-year run, the Sparks closed on a sale of the restaurant to new owners Marty and Tonya Porterfield.

In today’s show, we learn what Jim and Aundrea have planned for life after The Home Plate.

They are two of our favorite people here at HSV Inside Out. When we first started this show they were strong supporters of our mission – to shine a bright light on Hot Springs Village. Their ownership of The Home Plate has demonstrated their commitment to the community, their employees and their customers. We celebrate the legacy they’ve built, their success and the achievement of passing The Home Plate on to new owners who will continue the work.

Randy Cantrell

KVRE, media sponsor to HSV Inside Out

Thanks to KVRE, our media partner!

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