Brad Meredith- HSV Lakes Ecology & Fisheries Manager

Brad Meredith: HSV Lakes Ecology & Fisheries Manager

Our guest today on Hot Springs Village Inside Out is Brad Meredith, Lakes Ecology & Fisheries Manager for the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association. Brad’s first job inside the Village was at the DeSoto Golf Course. He was 16. After earning both an undergraduate and a graduate degree he joined the Hot Springs Village POA in the summer of 2014, putting to great use his education in wildlife and fisheries. 

Brad is responsible for the 11 lakes inside the Village (not Lake Lago, the water supply for HSV). His expertise was quickly evident during our conversation. We appreciate the hard work Brad and his team put into keeping our lakes in great shape. It’s a lot of hard work, but the Village experience is enhanced by the result of their work.

Visit the POA website on lakes and recreation (including fishing) for more details.

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