Randy Is Back (kinda, sorta)

Randy Is Back (kinda, sorta)

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I last appeared on an episode on July 8, 2022. Since that time, after a major falling out with Dennis, I’ve remained behind the scenes chirping insults from the sidelines. Mostly, I’ve been posting snarky memes like this one that provoked a Facebook group “owner” admin person to berate me for being “mean” and “hateful.” 😉

We Must Jump To Conclusions

Seriously, everything is fine. Back in July, Rhonda and I contracted COVID. Admittedly, it gave me a good reason to step away from being on the podcast. For months I had a nagging feeling that there were simply too many voices on our show. And stepping away was easy as I remained very involved behind the scenes doing the post production work. Besides, I’ve got two other podcasts where I appear weekly – LeaningTowardWisdom.com and GrowGreat.com. I hardly lack for public attention. 😉

As a longtime resident inside Hot Springs Village, Dennis has a perspective that I simply can’t yet have. One day though…watch out! I’ve long bragged to his face – and most anybody else – that he’s got a contact list that may be unrivaled, the hazards of an Arkansas native who is extremely outgoing. So it felt really right to back away and let Dennis loose. With a guest, Dennis can run amuck unimpeded. 😀

Dennis and I remain dedicated to Hot Springs Village and our show. I’m as invested as ever! What joins us vastly outweighs everything else. Hopefully, our differences help our show shine.

So what can you expect moving forward?

There are some shows where I’ll likely appear. I’ve even got a few guests that I plan to present to you without Dennis. Mostly, things will keep moving forward with our renewed focus to make each episode as good as we can. We continue to cheer all the parades of the lives of people inside and outside Hot Springs Village. So much so, back in June 2022 I did a podcast episode about it here.

YOU make the difference. Without an audience podcasters are just people with microphones talking to themselves. There are thousands of you investing time in consuming our show so…THANK YOU.

Lastly, I have to thank three businesses that have shown extraordinary support for our positive approach to life inside (and outside) the Village.

Thanks to KVRE for almost immediately showing us love. Look for our upcoming Hot Springs Village Inside radio show on KVRE Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Thanks to Clara Nicolosi and the entire Re/Max of Hot Springs Village team. Almost as soon as we launched we began hearing from folks who had never visited HSV. They were investigating where they might like to settle next…and in need of a place to live. Clara is the undisputed Queen of the Village and we’re pleased to be part of her court.

Thanks to Ike and Sonya Eisenhauer and their team at Ike Eisenhauer State Farm. Along with Clara, Ike and Sonya support the community in unparalleled ways. New and existing residents need protection and Ike’s team provides superior service as evidenced by many 5 star Google reviews.

Randy Cantrell

KVRE, media sponsor to HSV Inside Out
Thanks to our exclusive media partner, KVRE

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