Kelly Hale: Beginning A New Challenge as HSV General Manager

Kelly Hale: Beginning A New Challenge as HSV General Manager

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Kelly Hale began as the new General Manager of Hot Springs Village on February 1, 2022. He’s still well within the first 100 days of a new career. And many new challenges.

Kelly joins us today to discuss growing up in northern Louisiana, moving to Phoenix, then Canada. Eventually, he wound up in Kansas City where he worked, went to school, and happened at a recruiting table for United Parcel Service. His dad thought UPS was part of the U.S. Postal Service that delivered the big packages. Little did he, or his father, know it would set Kelly on a 37-year career with a Fortune Top 100 company.

Kelly and his wife, Mary Ann, moved to Hot Springs Village after Kelly retired. It was time to get off the road, something Kelly had done consistently for over 20 years. That was just last April (2021). In November 2021 the Hales moved into their newly built home and in short order, Kelly wound up being drawn to the General Manager position.

We talk about all that and more in today’s show with Hot Springs Village’s current General Manager, Mr. Kelly Hale.

Randy Cantrell


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1 thought on “Kelly Hale: Beginning A New Challenge as HSV General Manager”

  1. What a fantastic interview! So nice to know that the POA is in such good hands for the next few years. I am grateful that you care enough to give your expertise to our community. Kelly, I too grew up in KC,KS and went to Jr. College 73’/74′ and then on to Kansas University in the late 70’s. The more people I meet here in The Village proves it is indeed a small world.

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