Jason Temple: Culverts Inside Hot Springs Village

Jason Temple: Culverts Inside Hot Springs Village

Hot Springs Village POA Director of Public Services Jason Temple joins us again today to discuss the state of more than 5,000 culverts inside the Village. With the passing of the increased assessment, the current POA Board of Directors assured property owners that infrastructure would be the focus for the additional funds. The Village is now over 50 years old and some maintenance has been deferred too long. That includes the culverts inside the Village.

Jason describes the 5 states of how the culverts are graded, from 1 to 5 with 1 being those in immediate need of repair or replacement. There are currently over 150 category 1 culverts, which are being addressed immediately. There are over 1100 category 2 culverts. The goal is to systematically address these top two most urgent categories over the next few years.

We appreciate the long hours and hard work Jason and the entire public services team put into making our Village such a great place.

Randy Cantrell

KVRE, media sponsor to HSV Inside Out

Thanks to KVRE, our media partner!

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