Let's Make 2024 Our Best Year Yet

Let’s Make 2024 Our Best Year Yet

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Hopefully most of us came out of the first winter storm of 2024 unscathed. It’s been a week for most of us inside Hot Springs Village. Snow. Ice. Slick roads. Temporary power and Internet outages. Huddled inside our homes awaiting the sunshine and thaw.

Dennis and Diana went on a cruise, escaping this winter blitz. Getting back home proved a bit more challenging than expected, but I’m happy to report they’re safe and sound back on the shores of Lake DeSoto now.

Let’s talk about some plans we have for this year, 2024. Dennis and I are determined to make this year our best one ever! Thanks entirely to YOU. We appreciate the time and attention you give us. Each week we promise to do our best to make our show worth your while.

Thank Dennis for that photo of their recent trip to Mexico whilst the rest of us were freezing! I thought you might like it. 😉

Randy Cantrell

KVRE, media sponsor to HSV Inside Out
Thanks to our exclusive media partner, KVRE

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