Jessieville Teens Invited To National FCCLA Meeting In San Diego

Jessieville Teens Invited To National FCCLA Meeting In San Diego

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We’re joined today by four Jessieville High School students who are members of FCCLA – Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America: Rebekah George (State Representative), Megan Brown (State Officer), Ethan Lewis (President), and Emanuel Pricop (Vice-President).

The FCCLA is a student-led organization focused on the ultimate leadership experience, including STAR eventsStudents Taking Action with Recognition.

Each student is working hard to raise money for their trip. They need about $1,500 each to go. Want to help? Contact Sheila Churchill, the sponsor, at . You can also contact the Jessieville High School directly to find out how you can help these students.

Randy Cantrell


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