Help Us Take A Quantum Leap Forward

Help Us Take A Quantum Leap Forward

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Episode 18 Summer 2024

Last August I created and shared with Dennis a Google Document entitled, “Hot Springs Village Inside Out – Quantum Leap Plan.” There was one question that was the focal point of the entire document…

How can we dramatically improve as content creators and hosts?

I’m disinterested in incremental improvement. Not because it’s not worth it, but because I’m more optimistic than that. I think quantum leap progress is always possible.

A quantum leap is defined as a huge, often sudden, increase or advance in something.

This is where YOU come in. We need your help to produce a show you care about. A show where each week you’ll click PLAY. Hopefully, a show you’ll continue to watch because you find it helpful, informative, entertaining and interesting.

Today, I’m making a personal appeal for your help. Share with us what you’d most like to see because you matter most. Without you, we have no show! Use the contact page to tell us what you’d like us to produce – that thing that would be most helpful to you. We can only know what you care most about by asking you. So we’re asking. Tell us what you care about.

Click here to go directly to the contact page

By the way, your email address is required, but not to worry. It’s safe with us. We’ll never SPAM you, sell or share your information.

Randy Cantrell

KVRE, media sponsor to HSV Inside Out
Thanks to our exclusive media partner, KVRE

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