Be A Great Guest

If you are scheduled to be a guest on Hot Springs Village Inside Out (podcast), please take a few minutes to watch this video.  We want you to shine and this video will help you understand what we are looking for in a guest. If you have any questions, feel free to ask before we begin recording or email .

Not all guests are in the same situation. Some are inside HSV. Some are outside HSV. So our sample questions may not apply to you, but they’ll still give you an idea of how we roll.

Here are sample questions we sometimes use to get the conversation going. We list these to show you that we’re not interested in an interrogation. (smile) We want this to be a conversation where we shine the light on you, in the context of Hot Springs Village.

Tell us when and how you came to Hot Springs Village?

Tell us about the history of your business (or cause) and how you came to do it in HSV?

What current project are you most excited about right now?

What sold you on Hot Springs Village over any other place?

After you got here, what has kept you sold on the Village?

Before or after we record we’ll ask you to give us links you’d like inserted on the blog post that accompanies your appearance. We’re happy to help you promote whatever you’d like to promote on our show.

Once the show goes live here’s what you can expect from us: a) an email with the link to the show on our website and b) we’ll share the episode on social media. Additionally, the link to your episode will appear in our weekly email newsletter.

After we record the episode there are some things you can do to help make your appearance successful. The more we work together to promote your appearance, the better!

  1. Share the episode on your social media profiles.
  2. Share it on any email newsletter you send out.
  3. Engage with our listeners in our public Facebook group:

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