Well, of course, it does. And old, too.
We busted out the new video camera and wireless mics. For a couple of guys who have handled technology all our lives, we’re complete morons with this video stuff. Stick with us. We’ll get better. And we might even figure out to get into better shape!
This episode is VIDEO ONLY so you’ll have to click that video above and watch it. Okay, you don’t have to watch. You could just listen, but you’ll miss all the fun.
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I found HSV by digging around the internet looking at Arkansas. The world had gone crazy and I’m looking for a new home. HSV is affordable compared to other active senior living communities. I’m plan to visit the village in mid April. I have so many questions! One big concern I have is in regards to natural disasters. Is there a community tornado shelter in the village? Please talk about forest management in regards to preventing wild fires. I lived in CA state for years. My nephew is a CAL Fire fireman… It is plain to see what a lack of forest management leads to disasters. Thank you for your content.