1,000 Days Of HSV Inside Out

1,000 Days Of HSV Inside Out

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Today is a special day for Hot Springs Village Inside Out and for me and Dennis, too. It’s day 1,000 of our show. You can keep track of our age (in days) by looking at our website’s side bar.

Some things we’re excited about moving forward:

  • Getting better as hosts by growing our skills at storytelling
  • Injecting a lot more video to show off the beauty of our Village
  • Providing better – more valuable (and entertaining) information to help our audience
    – To help some members of our audience figure out if HSV is a place they’d like to call “home”
    – To help all members of our audience learn more about the Village and what’s going on

Thanks to YOU we’ve achieved our 1,000 day mark. Without you we’re a couple of rubes talking to ourselves. We appreciate all of you.

Randy Cantrell

KVRE, media sponsor to HSV Inside Out
Thanks to our exclusive media partner, KVRE

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1 thought on “1,000 Days Of HSV Inside Out”

  1. A comment on your “1000 Days…” was “To help some members of our audience figure out if HSV is a place they’d like to call “home”. How about a show focusing on 25 questions all people considering HSV as a place to live including:
    1) Can you live with following deed restrictions and covenants?
    2) Can you live in a community with few options for fine dining?
    3) Can you live in a community where most people wave to you even if they do not know you?
    4) Can you live in a community where driving and sharing the streets is one of the greatest challenges you face?
    5) Are you aware that while we are the largest gated community in the US, we are not a retirement community and there may be neighbors that have children?
    6) Can you live in a community that basically rolls up the sidewalks at 9:00pm and has very few things to do late?
    7) Can you live in a community where a significant amount of people are visitors?
    8) Can you live in a community that all of your trash must fit in the refuse can that is picked up once a week?
    9) Can you live in a community that has a compliance department.
    10) Can you live in a community that has a limited amount of healthcare options inside the gates?
    11) Can you live in a community where the nearest Lowe’s is 20-30 minutes away from your house?
    12) Can you live in a community where some people complain because the nature around them is too plentiful?
    13-25) I am sure your listeners can come up with more questions.

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